Do you want to grow your business to $1M+ in revenue?

How to grow a $1M business

Going from $0 to $1M is not a joke – I am going to help you if you sign up for my free newsletter

Finding clients is extremely difficult for B2B businesses – learn how by clicking here

Creating a B2C brand that consumers want to buy products from is also difficult


Learning how to grow your business to $1M+ revenue can be done if you have access to the right information. Right now, there are dozens of entrepreneurs and bloggers who are subscribed to my exclusive email newsletter where I feature detailed analysis, case studies, experiment summaries to showcase how to think like a million dollar entrepreneur.

If you want to grow a million dollar business, you need to think differently and the information isn’t readily available on the Internet.

Sign up for my exclusive yet complementary email newsletter – you will not regret it

Get the email newsletter today before I share an exclusive case study just for email subscribers.

Ready to grow your business today? You know what to do – get my incredible and detailed newsletter today

18 ideas to increase sales and revenue ASAP

We’ve all been at that stage where you need to increase revenue or sales as soon as possible. It can be hard to do this when you are strapped for cash or if you are distracted. If you need to increase business revenue ASAP, this post is for you.

This post will be excellent for you if –

  • If you work in sales and you are not hitting your targets
  • If you are an entrepreneur and you are struggling to generate sales or revenue
  • If you are running multiple businesses, but your business sales are decreasing
  • If you are going through business declines

18 tips to follow today – read below

  1. Offer a promotion for customers who buy today
  2. Include free shipping on your e-commerce site
  3. Tell clients that if they buy today, they will get a free consultation from you after they pay
  4. Call old clients and ask them to purchase new services
  5. Start sending at least 25 cold emails per day until you get a paid project
  6. Start blogging every day to generate new leads
  7. Open an Instagram account for your business and offer specific promotions for the channel
  8. Create a website connected to your business and sell advertising on it
  9. Ask for client referrals
  10. Sell products that people want to buy
  11. Sell products in a market that is under served
  12. Start cold calling around 50 businesses to get a project
  13. Have a sales blow-out day for one day to encourage old customers to buy
  14. Offer 2-for-1 offers to consumers
  15. Offer more expensive services for B2B customers instead of cheaper services
  16. Change your marketing strategy
  17. Run a $100 marketing campaign and aim to get $1000 in revenue from it
  18. Ask a friend with many social media followers to advertise your business for free on their profile so you can get referral sales

These ideas can be used from today onwards to empower you to increase sales and revenue in your business. It’s not enough to daydream about generating revenue – you actually need to do it by taking action.

Start today